Certification bodies

FSC does not issue certificates itself. Independent certification bodies carry out the forest management and chain of custody assessments that lead to FSC certification. FSC sets the standards for forest management and chain of custody certification and defines the procedures that certification bodies should follow in their certification assessments. Certification bodies are accredited by an independent accreditation body. Assurance Services International (ASI) is FSC’s accreditation body.

(c) Viktor Ritsvall via Unsplash

Certification bodies - UK office details

  • UK contacts

    Many FSC-accredited certification bodies offer certification to FSC standards worldwide. To your right (or below, if on a mobile) you can find a list of FSC-accredited certification bodies with UK offices, and their contact details. Check the ASI website for the latest information about on the accreditation scope and status of FSC accredited certification bodies.

    NQA Certification Limited, trading as BM TRADA (TT)

    Contact (UK): Clessio Gomes
    Address: Chiltern House, Stocking Lane, Hughenden Valley, High Wycombe,
    Bucks, HP14 4ND, United Kingdom
    Tel: 07717596331
    Office: 01494 569 750
    Email: clessio.gomes@bmtrada.com
    Website: www.bmtrada.com
    Accredited since: 18 May 2000
    Accreditation Number: ASI-ACC-006
    FSC Trademark Licence Code: FSC®A000503
    Scope: Worldwide (excluding China) for Chain of Custody (CoC) certification. Head office in the UK.

  • Bureau Veritas Certification (BV)

    Contact (UK): Maribel Pena
    Address: 5th Floor, 66 Prescot Street, London, E1 8HG
    Tel: 0345 600 1828
    Email: maribel.pena@bureauveritas.com
    Website: www.bureauveritas.co.uk
    Accredited since: 25 July 2005
    FSC Trademark Licence Code: FSC®A000504
    Scope: Worldwide for Forest Management (FM) and Chain of Custody certification (excluding Forest Management certification in Russia). Head office in France.

  • Control Union Certifications (CU)

    Contact (UK): Ashlyn Priest & Lauren Miller
    Address: Suite 2a, 7th Floor, City Reach, 5 Greenwich View Place, London, E14 9NN
    Tel: 0207 488 2210
    Email: CUUK@controlunion.com
    Website: www.controlunion.com
    Accredited since: 12 October 2005
    Accreditation Number: ASI-ACC-017
    FSC Trademark Licence Code: FSC®A000507
    Scope: Worldwide Forest Management and Chain of Custody certification. Head office in The Netherlands

  • GCL International Ltd (GCL)

    Contact (UK): Customer Relation

    Address: Level 1, Devonshire House, One Mayfair Place, London, W1J 8AJ, United Kingdom

    Office: +44 (0) 845 548 9001

    Email: info@gcl-intl.com

    Website: https://www.gcl-intl.com   

    Accredited since: 21 March 2023

    Accreditation Number: ASI-ACC-103

    FSC Trademark Licence Code: FSC®A000548

    Scope: FSC COC (excluding FSC CW)

  • Interface NRM Limited (INT)

    Contact (UK): Rob Kerr
    Address: e-Innovation Centre, University of Wolverhampton, Telford Campus, Telford, TF2 9FT
    Tel: 01952 288325
    Email: info@interface-nrm.co.uk
    Website: https://interface-nrm.co.uk/fsc/
    Accredited since: 19 December 2016
    Accreditation Number: ASI-ACC-078
    FSC Trademark Licence Code: FSC®A000539
    Scope: FSC Chain of Custody (excluding FSC Controlled Wood) in Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, and Vatican City. Head office in the UK.

  • Preferred by Nature (NC) (PBN)

    Contact (UK): Charles Townsend 
    Address: NEPCon UK ltd, c/o KBDR, The Old Tannery, Hensington Road, Woodstock, Oxfordshire, OX20 1JL  
    Phone: + 44 7361554583
    Website: www.preferredbynature.org
    Accredited since: 25 October 2014
    Accreditation Number: ASI-ACC-066
    FSC Trademark Licence Code: FSC® A000535
    Scope: Worldwide for Chain of Custody and Forest Management certification. Head office in Estonia.

  • SGS (SGS or SGSCH)

    Website: www.sgs.co.uk
    Accredited since: 30 June 1995
    Accreditation Number: ASI-ACC-003
    FSC Trademark Licence Code: FSC® A000522
    Scope: Worldwide Forest Management (excluding Brazil) and Chain of Custody certification. Head office in South Africa.

    Chain of Custody

    Contact: SGS Sales Support
    Address: SGS House, 217-221 London Road, Camberley, United Kingdom, GU15 3EY
    Tel: 0800 900 094
    Email: sales-support@sgs.com

    Forest Management

    Contact (UK): Douglas Orr, SGS Programme Manager for Forest Management Certification in the UK & Ireland
    Email: douglasorr@btinternet.com


  • Soil Association Certification Ltd (SA)

    Contact (UK): Sam Shaw
    Address: Spear House, 51 Victoria Street, Bristol, BS1 6AD
    Tel: 01179142435
    Website: www.soilassociation.org/forestry
    Accredited since: 30 June 1995
    FSC Trademark Licence Code: FSC® A000525
    Scope: Worldwide Forest Management and Chain of Custody certification. Head office in the UK.

    Chain of Custody

    Email: forestry@soilassociation.org

    Forest Management

    Email: forestry@soilassociation.org


    Contact (UK): David Goodfellow
    Address: Scottish Enterprise Technology Park, Napier Building, Glasgow G75 0QF
    Tel: 07803 626 074
    Website: www.tuvsud.com
    Accredited since: 15 May 2011
    Accreditation no: ASI-ACC-042
    FSC Trademark Licence Code: FSC® A000530
    Scope: FSC Chain of Custody - Worldwide (excluding Belarus)

    Email: david.goodfellow@tuvsud.com