Trademark approval
FSC promotional licence holders are issued with copies of the FSC trademarks by their trademark service provider, for organisations in the UK, this is FSC UK. Promotional licence holders' use of the FSC trademarks must be authorised by their trademark service provider. Evidence of certification must be provided for all products to be promoted using the FSC trademarks. Only FSC-labelled products can be promoted by promotional licence holders.
FSC trademark use by promotional licence holders
Our trademarks include the initials FSC, the name Forest Stewardship Council, the FSC 'tick-tree' or 'checkmark-and-tree' logo, and the ‘Forests For All Forever’ trademarks in English, French, Chinese, German, Portuguese, Spanish, and Russian.
Our trademarks have been designed not only to promote the work of FSC and to inspire a love for forests, but also to enhance your brand and show your customers you care. This guide shows how FSC promotional licence holders can use our globally recognised trademarks for the promotion of FSC and FSC-certified products and services.
Using your FSC promotional licence
As a promotional licence holder, you must ensure that the products you promote with the FSC trademarks are FSC certified, purchased directly from an FSC-certified supplier and carry the FSC on-product label in a form that is visible to the consumer.
This 1-page guide and evidence checklist are designed to support you in meeting the requirements of your licence.

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