What is FSC Forest Week?
Spotlighting the importance of sustainable forest management, our annual FSC Forest Week campaign is held globally the last week of September. Each year, brands, NGOs, and organisations join forces to raise awareness about the importance of responsible forest management and it's role in fighting climate change and biodiversity loss.
Since its launch, FSC Forest Week has evolved into a powerful, global campaign. With initiatives such as community engagement, internal company activities, forest walks and factory tours, we are discovering new, exciting ways to expand its influence every year.
How to get involved: FSC licence holders
FSC Forest Week 2025 is taking place 20 - 26 September and we're currently busy planning this year's campaign. FSC licence holders can register to take part here. We'll then keep you up to date on our plans and send you the campaign toolkit as soon as this is ready. The campaign toolkit will contain a range of assets to help you take part in FSC Forest Week 2025, such as social media posts and email signature banners, along with the campaign's key visual, to allow you to create your own assets.
How to get involved: Other organisations
Some non-licence holder organisations, such as FSC Members, NGOs and Government entities can also take part in the campaign to help raise awareness about the importance of responsible forestry. We'll update this page with more information on how you can get involved in the coming months. For now, please save the date!
Reflecting on FSC Forest Week 2024
Spotlighting the importance of sustainable forestry, FSC Forest Week 2024, which took place from 21 to 27 September, once again captivated consumers. Our theme ‘Small steps together create big change for all’, emphasised the small steps that everyone can take to create big change and help ensure a sustainable future for all, raising awareness around FSC’s impact. The campaign also extended to community engagement activities, such as forest walks and informational talks, to amplify forest appreciation. Watch our highlights in our recap video below.