Insights from the UK
FSC UK's 2024 survey has revealed that when shopping for products made from wood or paper, more people recall the FSC label than any other certification label. And, amongst UK consumers, 79% say they recognise the FSC logo.
Shopping responsibly
More than half of those surveyed look for certification labels when shopping for forest-based products, and 90% of those recognise the FSC logo. Younger people are most likely to recognise and understand the FSC logo; Gen Z lead the way with 88% recognising the logo and 66% confident that they understand at least roughly what it means. Across the generations, 79% would give preference to FSC-certified products, with 60% prepared to pay more for them.
Brand Reputation
67% of UK consumers would have a more positive opinion of a brand or retailer if they saw the FSC label on their products. Generationally, this figure is highest amongst 25-34 years olds, with 80% positively influenced by the availability of FSC-certified products. With FSC chain of custody certificate and FSC promotional licence holders, citing improved brand image as one of, if not the top, benefit of their FSC association, brands and retailers seeking this and other benefits may consider not only introducing FSC certification in their procurement policies and requesting that their suppliers apply the FSC label to applicable products and packaging, but also considering FSC chain of custody or a promotional licence, as appropriate to the scope of their business.
FSC UK Consumer Survey 2024 conducted (21/03/2024 – 25/03/2024) in United Kingdom by Kantar via OnLineBus, a sample of 1,279 UK adults aged 16+ were interviewed
Awareness and understanding of the FSC logo continues to increase
Awareness of the FSC logo has increased by 60% since we first starting conducting surveys, with 79% of people in the UK recognising the FSC logo in 2024.
“It is positive that recognition of the FSC logo is continuing to increase, as it can be nigh on impossible to tell just by looking at a piece of furniture, or a greeting card, where that wood used originally came from. But if the product has an FSC label, it means it is made with materials that support responsible forestry.”
- Rosie Teasdale, Executive Director, FSC UK
Understanding of what the FSC logo means also continues to increase each year, with 29% saying they know what it means in 2024 (+ 19% on 2017), and a further 26% (+14% on 2017) saying they know roughly what it means.
You can view the results from our previous UK consumer surveys here.
Global consumer awareness
FSC's 2023 global research revealed that consumers have a strong commitment to address biodiversity and climate concerns through sustainable shopping.
The global study commissioned by FSC International with Ipsos is one of the largest of its kind, surveying 26,800 consumers in 33 countries. It provides new insights into what consumers are concerned about, who they trust to address these concerns, and how they’re acting individually through their purchases to affect change.

The survey found that FSC is the most recognised forest certification system and that the logo is especially well recognised in the UK.