Search for certificate holders and promotional licence holders
Search for forest management or chain of custody certificates
Use the certificate search area of the database to check the validity and scope of FSC chain of custody and forest management certificates.
Search tips:
- Results can be filtered by country
- To search for specific products choose from the available product classifications
- If the 'Show sites/members box' remains checked the results will show every certified site a company has and this can give lots of results in the case of printers with multiple locations for example. Unchecking this box will mean that only the lead site for FSC certification appears.
Results appear in a list at the bottom of the page. Clicking on the certificate code will take you to the organisation’s FSC certificate and a list of the types of FSC-certified products they can supply.
To amend information on this database, certified companies should contact their FSC accredited certification body. -
Search for promotional licences
In certain circumstances, uncertified organisations may apply for an FSC promotional trademark licence to use the FSC trademarks. This allows the use of the FSC trademarks for off-product, promotional use only.
Use this database to search for and verify FSC promotional licence holders. -
Search for project certificates
Individual objects or buildings of any size or scale that are built or renovated on a one-off basis can achieve FSC project certification. Project certification can also be used for civil engineering projects and events such as exhibitions and festivals.
Checking FSC certificates
This webinar recording provides an introduction to the use of the FSC certificate database, including tips on how to get the best results. It also presents the Certificate Status Watch tool to help you monitor any changes to supplier's FSC certificates. Although designed primarily to help FSC certificate holders and promotional licence holders meet FSC requirements, this may also prove useful to those specifying FSC-certified materials.