FSC has published the FSC Regulatory Module, an updated FSC Risk Assessment Framework, and various Advice Notes to operationalise these changes and to strengthen its commitment to sustainable forestry. These changes are immediately effective for users of the FSC Regulatory Module.
The FSC Regulatory Module and FSC Risk Assessment Framework comprise FSC Aligned Certification for EUDR, along with system-wide updates to align with the intention of the Policy to Address Conversion. The launch of these requirements ensures that our certification system remains robust and relevant in the evolving regulatory landscape. The Risk Assessment Framework and other system-wide changes are also applicable for Certificate Holders not affected by EUDR.

FSC Regulatory Module
This new voluntary add-on module FSC-STD-01-004 FSC Regulatory Module supports EUDR compliance by providing additional requirements for Forest Management, Chain of Custody, and Controlled Wood Certification as well as accreditation requirements. It is designed to help companies use their FSC certification to meet EUDR’s stringent requirements by taking the guesswork out of what is required on top of FSC certification. The module outlines robust due diligence systems, conducting thorough risk assessments with FSC’s Risk Assessment Framework, and maintaining transparent supply chain documentation.
Download the module in the Document Centre here. Learn more about the Regulatory Module here.
FSC Risk Assessment Framework
After a thorough, chamber-balanced revision, the FSC-PRO-60-006b FSC Risk Assessment Framework Procedure is now published and immediately effective for users of the Regulatory Module and standard developers. The revision process began in 2021 and was further strengthened through the alignment with EUDR. The new framework provides a comprehensive tool for companies to assess and mitigate risks of sourcing forest materials.
With 64 indicators for social and environmental protections, FSC’s Risk Assessment Framework is aligned with EUDR regulatory requirements to ensure responsible sourcing. The next generation of FSC’s existing risk assessments for controlled wood sourcing will be based on this updated framework... Download the FSC Risk Assessment Framework in the Document Centre here.
System-wide changes through Advice Notes
To further tighten the FSC system to deliver deforestation-free products, FSC fast-tracked the implementation of changes from the intention of FSC’s Policy to Address Conversion. These changes are introduced to the existing system in the form of Advice Notes - which will ultimately ensure products are deforestation and degradation free in alignment with the EUDR and do not enter the system and become FSC-certified . Additional Advice Notes for chain of custody and controlled wood users are included to support the implementation of the Regulatory Module and align with global best practices. The following Advice Notes have been published and are immediately effective for users of the FSC Regulatory Module::
How we got here
The requirements were all released for public consultation from 1 February – 1 March of 2024 after being fast tracked by EUDR coming into force in June 2023. The consultation included 400+ responses from diverse stakeholders and informed relevant changes and ensured FSC met its robust requirements. Since consultation, changes were made based on stakeholder feedback. Highlights of the feedback and how it was addressed can be reviewed in the consultation summary for Risk Assessment Framework here and Regulatory Module and system wide changes consultation summary here. Full Consultation Reports are available on the process pages here (FSC Risk Assessment Framework) and here (FSC Regulatory Module).
Implementation dates
July 1, 2024: Publication of normative documents, including FSC-STD-01-004 FSC Regulatory Module, FSC-PRO-60-006b FSC Risk Assessment Framework and related Advice Notes for system-wide changes,.
July 1, 2024: Effective date of all published normative documents for users of the FSC Regulatory Module.
October 1, 2024: Effective date for Advice Notes for all certificate holders
December 2025: Transition end date for Advice Notes for all certificate holders