EU decision-makers have reached an historic agreement by approving the landmark anti-Deforestation Regulation (EUDR). The EUDR will prohibit placing products linked to deforestation and forest degradation on the EU market. 

This is a significant win for civil society organizations, especially those working together under the banner of the #Together4Forests campaign, led by WWF EU. The campaign brought together over 200 NGOs, including FSC, to call for a strong EU law against deforestation.

Kim Carstensen, FSC’s Director General, said: “The EUDR is a game changer, and a much welcome one. I hope that this innovative Regulation will inspire other countries at COP15 to include a market approach in their efforts to tackle deforestation and loss of biodiversity. FSC has pioneered market approaches on a voluntary basis since its foundation in the 1990s, and we now look forward to supporting effective implementation of the Regulation through our existing certification scheme, as well as developing new forest solutions for businesses to use on the ground.”

Matteo Mascolo, EU Affairs Manager at FSC International, added: “FSC has supported this initiative since the beginning, working together with EU policymakers, scientists, forest owners, Indigenous leaders, and progressive companies. We are glad to see the EU Institutions agreeing on a final text. Effective enforcement will be crucial, and FSC is ready to provide market-based tools to complement and enable regulatory approaches. It is now more important than ever to be all #Together4Forests.”


Background information

  • European Commission proposal for a Regulation on deforestation-free products can be accessed here.

About the webinar

FSC’s role in the EUDR, 23 March 2023, 10-12 GMT (watch the recording below)

Catch up on the webinar to learn:  

  • What is the EUDR and what are its main requirements?   
  • What is the role of certification and how can it support the enforcement of the EUDR?  
  • What is the industry doing to comply with the EUDR and what are the main challenges?  
  • How does FSC support due diligence, enable #geolocation of #wood products, and align with relevant #EU legislations?  

Other initiatives

  • Event on the geo-location requirement in the EUDR with a specific focus on the wood sector, Brussels, 26 April 2023 (full day). 

Missed the webinar? Watch the recording