The 7th General Assembly, which is held once every three years, was held in early September in Seville. The event, which brings together more than 500 participants from 70 countries, is the foremost decision making and strategic body in the FSC. The aims and direction of the FSC over the next three years, and long into the future, are shaped by the decisions made by the members.

The FSC is governed by equal weight from the three pillars which make up the membership: economic, environmental and social. Regardless of the number of members in each pillar, votes are weighted so that the pillars have equal sway over whether a motion is passed or not. 

As well as the crucial votes during the Members’ Assembly,the General Assembly includes round table discussions, side meetings and field trips. Besides the formal discussions and talks, the General Assembly is also an important venue for those working in the industries associated with FSC, and the FSC staff themselves, to meet. As such there are a healthy number of social events.

This year the FSC is celebrating its 20th anniversary  The FSC has come far in the last 20 years; the solidity of the three pillar structure and the guiding democratic nature of the FSC has surely lead to its success. 

General Assembly 2014 Website