Want to get nerdy about standard revisions? Want to dive into the latest draft of an FSC standard? No? Many of us don’t. Because it is hard, complex and requires expertise that we might feel that we as individuals don’t have. 

But organisations such as FSC could lose relevance if there isn't strong engagement and input from stakeholders when we draft or revise our standards. That is why FSC is reinventing the way we do revision processes, introducing new elements such as a conceptual phase, where larger scale input and big ideas are welcome. FSC is introducing targeted consultation, where only relevant stakeholders are contacted for input instead of mass emailing everyone. The hope is to reduce the burden on stakeholders, increasing the relevance of consultations and hopefully move the discussions to a level where more people feel that it is worth their time and effort to engage. 

Curious about what all of this means? Then tune into this latest episode of Forest for the Future, where Joanna NowakowskaDorothee Jung-Wilhelm and Stefan Salvador from Forest Stewardship Council help us become a little more clued up on the changes coming up in the FSC standard setting processes. 

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