New version of the FSC trademark standard now effective

During the transition period, FSC certificate holders may opt to use the revised version V2-1 or continue to use the previous version V2-0.

New FSC Mix label

The first important change of FSC-STD-50-001 V2-1 is a revision to the MIX label text. The new MIX label text as approved by the FSC Board of Directors is ‘Supporting responsible forestry’.

The new label is now available in the FSC Trademark Portal. Between 1 January 2022 and 30 June 2024, certificate holders may use the old or the new MIX label. From 1 July 2024, only the new MIX label will be available for use.

Read more about the new FSC MIX label, the rationale behind the change, and relevant timelines in the factsheet published on the FSC International website.

Communicating about controlled wood

The second important change of FSC-STD-50-001 V2-1 relates to controlled wood. Certificate holders have the opportunity to promote their sales or sourcing of controlled material or controlled wood by using messaging developed by FSC.

The fixed controlled wood statements approved by the Board of Directors are the following:

  • FSC® controlled wood mitigates the risk of forest products originating from unacceptable sources (Read more).
  • FSC® controlled wood mitigates the risk of forest products originating from unacceptable sources. FSC controlled wood requirements prohibit and are designed to avoid: illegally harvested wood, wood harvested in violation of traditional and human rights, wood from forests with threatened high conservation values, wood from forests with genetically modified trees and wood from forests converted to plantations or non-forest uses. Click here for more information on FSC controlled wood.