Four newly available FSC 100% fair trade hardwood species will be launched on international wood markets in 2014:

• East African padauk (Pterocarpus angolensis)
• Pod mahogany (Afzelia quanzensis)
• Panga panga (Millettia stuhlmannii)
• African lignum vitae (Acacia nigrescens)

The wood originates from the same community-managed forests that produce FSC 100% African blackwood and are available on ethical, fair trade terms.

The species vary in density from East African padauk at 620kg/m3 to African lignum vitae at 1,100kg/m3. They have a wide variety of potential applications, including luxury furniture, flooring, windows and doors, highly durable decking, professional musical instruments and exclusive household and consumer products.

In addition to the guarantees associated with FSC 100%, the wood has an inherent ethical, fair trade message, with Tanzanian forest communities receiving 100% of the log sale revenue.

Jasper Makala, CEO of Mpingo Conservation and Development Initiative, which manages the Tanzanian FSC community forestry group scheme, said:

“Through the fair trade in FSC 100% hardwoods we are starting to see the transformation of livelihoods for forest-dependent people in Tanzania, with the foundations laid for new schools, improved healthcare, clean water supplies and diversified incomes."

“Companies that buy these newly available FSC 100% fair trade hardwoods have the opportunity to become stakeholders in the community development process and, through ethical trade, acquire a powerful marketing message that can add significant value to their brand.”

Standard sized samples and technical data are available immediately on request from: / +44 7919 092189

For more information on Tanzanian community forestry, visit:

For images, specifications and comparisons with traditional hardwoods, please see the document linked below.

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