This September marks seven years since the world embraced the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The SDGs reflect a shared objective and ambition across all countries to end poverty and hunger everywhere, to combat inequalities within and among countries, to build peaceful, just, and inclusive societies, to protect human rights and promote gender equality of women and girls, and to ensure a lasting protection of the planet and its natural resources by 2030.
The 17 Goals are supported by 169 targets and 232 indicators, enabling progress to be prioritised and tracked.
In all, FSC’s work addresses 40 targets under 14 of the 17 SDGs. FSC’s responsible forestry standard is particularly relevant to realizing SDG 15, which is Life on Land. Our comprehensive economic, environmental, and social approach to forest stewardship also contributes to SDGs focused on poverty, equality, natural resources, production and consumption patterns, decent work, climate change, inclusive and accountable societies, and global partnerships.
To learn more about FSC and the UN SDGs, download our fact sheet.

In the UK, there have been some significant milestones towards the SDGs. The preliminary findings of the UN Global Compact Network UK’s Measuring Up project found that since 2007, there has been an estimated 15% reduction in food waste and the UK Government have made significant progress in increasing the scale and scope of its climate change ambitions by setting a legally binding net zero target and developing a net zero strategy.
However, there is still considerable progress that needs to be made. For example, in the past year alone, the number of children engaged in child labour in the UK has risen by a staggering 34% compared to the previous year. This means that the 2030 Agenda is more important than ever, and worldwide collaboration between governments, businesses, and civil society organisations essential.
With only 1 in 10 people in Britain familiar with the SDGs, raising the SDG flag helps to raise awareness and mobilise stakeholders for action.