The FSC chain of custody certification standard requires that procedures are in place to check suppliers’ sales and/or delivery documentation which accompanies FSC-certified material. It also requires that suppliers of FSC-certified materials include certain information in sales and/or delivery documents.

FSC UK has produced a pocket-sized checklist to support you in checking deliveries of FSC-certified materials, which is free to all UK-based certificate and promotional licence holders.

Is it FSC? Delivery ChecklistThese handy checklists will:

  • Support your personnel in checking deliveries of FSC-certified materials by equipping them with this handy reference guide
  • Promote your status as an FSC certificate or promotional licence holder by providing your customers with copies of the checklist

Click HERE to order copies.The checklists are available in quantities of 5, 10 or counter-top display boxes of 40. 

OR you can download a PDF version below

Is it FSC? Delivery Checklist
PDF, Size: 311.51KB